Aria the highschool girl with a past that can't be forgotten.

She is a smart 16 year old girl who has skipped a year and is now in her second form. She is now the top 10 of the school in academic works but is antisocial,hard to talk too and has half a face of a dead girl. All of school avoids her and calls her " the demon, Scar face" , of course she would been called that, because of her heal-less scars and these eyes that has seen too much how this occurred was 4-5 years ago when she got into an accident leaving her scarred physically and mentally. It had left a trauma on her. She is afraid of water unable to swim and go near the school pool. Or the sea.

The story of this anime begins when she wakes from a nightmare giving a small piece of her past. She doesn't talk loud at all but has a habit of calling items and things miss , Mr boy and girl. There are a few cut scenes of her room and kitchen, showing she lives alone. Seconds later she leaves for school. BLACK CROSS ACADEMY

Ironically they uniforms are more white.

Black cross academy lays on top of a man made island

The bridge connecting the island to the main can only have people or bikers on it. Cars are prohibited from entering or crossing the bridge. So they are dorms for teachers, girls and boy students. As aria walks across the bridge everyone around her would move away or are metres away already. Then cut scene to first period. 8:45am Arias class 2-A and she sits in the back corner next to the window.

Few minutes in class and the second main character appears a 17 yr old boy named Akiko.188cm just saying aria is actually tall as well 178cm.. Beginning late he got scolded but aria doesn't take notice of him. He sits diagonally to her so he realises her and the scar.

Lunch time

As for akiki he is actually popular with everyone in class. I'm using this scene to show the difference and similarities. After lunch aria and the rest of the girls go and changes. For pe. This scene with show aria walking a metre or two behind the rest , now they all meet on the court, boys and girls. The teacher places everyone in pairs but because it's an uneven number. Aia was left alone. The class is now playing basketball as for aria just shooting some hoops. As the teacher calls saying a game's gonna start they form 4 teams for two courts.on the main court aria and akiko are both of them are actually competitive and actually skilled in sports. They duke it out catching everyone by surprise. Then aria pulls a hook shot and wins , leaving akiko stunned. But she gets no cheers , but akiko gsts them. The students saying good job at going against the demon.

More submissions by Noyomi for Uura ; My Light

Story: runnin'

Three boys run from they whole town was burning down. Monsters had appeared from the ground and attcked and killed everyone they knew. The three boys ran and ran.

They got to the main lake and looked for a boat. Once they got one they got in and rowed away. They waited till dawn to do anything but by then they were talking about what to do. They mothers, fathers and all they friends were killed or so they think. After waking up they decided to head back but before tht they prepred more boats and also more supplies that where in the cabin and shed and from the boat house sitting next to teh river. The boys then see things moving along the road and they knew that they couldnt take anything human made for now. That the monsters knew that humans might come across them if they stick to teh roads. The boys run back to town by the same route. The forest. They get to the edge of the forest and look forards in to the empty town. Nothing but lit flames waving and smoking vanishing in to the sky. The boys, Nicolas, Ris and Ali

Are all friends from the same middle school, third years.

At the time of the incident the boys was all in class. And Ris' father was the teacher for they class. When it went down the powers first was cut. Then all the teachers told the students to sit tight. And from anothre class a teacher went out to see what was going on. But fate had meet him… one of the monsters. 6 maybe 8 foot tall staanding , hovering over the teacher. He was the math teacher , no one really liked him but that time we all were sad when we thought about it. Me and Nico could see him in shock standing and looking up. Thena sudden swing from something else. Slashing up the teacher everyone that could see screams or yells. I and Nico were freighted but we knew what to do. I look at my father and looks at me then the door. Nico saw and ran towards the door. I looked at the windows and opened them all and looked outside for any of it outside.

I yelled to tell everyone to evac out the window but no one heard me. They were all in shock. But it heard me. Nicolas blocked the door with the safetly bars placed under the door and ranthe emergency bell. It , the monster we call it banged on the door. Bang, bang , bang and bangning then silence. Everyone in the class stood in the silence. The atmosphere though was filled with the thirst of blood.





Target Audience:

Watashi wa anata ga hoshii Desu.

Title: I want you.


The world was all at peace but a hidden organization didn't like it and knew we were just killing themselves and Earth ever so slowly so the organization forced a War World 4. Where everyone is against each other. The so called Organization created a poisonous virus that is airborne for only 24 hours. They let it spread across certain areas around the world so the world leaders can fight on who is doing it. But the organization did not realise that the virus would develop by itself. The virus mutated on contact with other virus and disease. The Virus would consume others and make it its own but much much more dangerous.

Each time the virus moves to a new area it adapts and kills mores. This pattern continued till members of the organization was also getting affected and then the world fell. Leaders around the world was falling like flies , well the surviving leaders sent armies of killing machine and men to other countries to find answers but also to kill whoever was affect.

War was waged on the streets of every nation, the peaceful people was hacking others heads off and the young was slain or was going crazy and killed classmates. The war had subsided, not because anyone won or lost but no one was left to fight. No was left to kill. Only a handful of people from each nation and islands and countries had remained and they survive by hiding and laying low even though no one is truly life. The last message everyone had reciece was the last world leader the president of the United Worlds States. " This is a Fallen War." Then all satellites fell. Across the world the survives saw shooting stars and they knew it was a sign that everything has falling. Everything that they knew. Everything that was once normal is now gone. The wasteland that not a single whisper can be heard is what is normal.

The story begins when the leaders of the world all fired they nukes. The nukes striked the land and ruined it all. The forest and the sea drained of life, the buildings and structures reduced to rubble and ash. The animals became nothing and the skies rained blood and the clouds black as death. But the only land left intake with the les damage was New Zealand. The builds still have the bottom half, rubbles filled the streets and the houses all around the shores was flatted. But what was left was a small shelter in the middle of the mountain. 4 family and a small detachment of military got to this shelter. The military consists of 3 squads of 12 men each with a second lieutenant and a major and also a vice-admiral which are in charge of the shelter dub the name 'Shelter E-07'.

At the time of the event a travelling bus took multiple families to hot spots for tourist and also to travel down south. On the day of the event , the sun was hitting its highest point in the sky families got on the bus and then the rain came down. But the rain never made it to the inner land but hits the shores and the sea and ocean. People on the bus confused and scared run out of the bus. On the radio and news they speak about going to all the shelters that are available to all the civilians. The families left on the bus was scared but listened to the radio and so a father took action and got on the driver's seat and drove it to what he thought was the closest shelter. Driving down the motorway they notice it was getting crowded. So he took an exit and came upon the military. The military was directing the civilians then the last platoon took control of the bus. A tank at the back and three vehicles and the bus in the middle. The rain had hit the surface and so the radio broke. Knowing this the platoon(company) decided to go to the abandoned military shelter 1 km close. All the drivers rush after one and another. Upon reaching the base men jump out of they ride and activates safety measures and also opens the gate. Once the gate is open men dries all the vehicles in but the bus was halted. A pair of couples with kids wanted to get out. The soldiers tried to help and stop them but they ran off. They didn't notice that the rain, the chaotic rain flatted, destroyed and also was rushing across the land. Ravaging it all. The men closed the door to the bus and drove in. upon getting in the military shelter the people look at the closing 3 ton gate. At the small gap getting smaller they see the families that ran out of the bus. they knew they couldnt save them so they just watched in horror , in sadness. The gate closed. and the gate shook. The dark silent atmosphere covered the air is a deep blue remorse and sadness.

The lights turned on and the men in confusion scouted out the abandoned shelter.

The civilians just loomed around the bus and looked for a place to rest.

The lieutenants got together and started talking about what they should do.

The men all started in different section and scouted the what they call madhouse base. The men walked and looked and reconed. To they surprised they found that the so called shelter was at least as big as two football fields. They was 14 rooms in total. One armoury , 6 quarters and 3 empty rooms want control room , vehicle room , 2 large room, one for showers and all those, and the other is a mass kitchen. The last room is a sealed room. No trace if anything leaving or entering that area.

After reporting they find they all go and replenish the armoury with their supplies from the vehicles and bus. The tank

6 years after the last message from the world.

A young boy just hitting the age of 18 doesn't remember the peace and past. He wakes up to tears, always in tears but he doesn't know why. He wears his ghost mask and arms himself. He brushes the small table off its dust and opens out the top draw of the 4 and then places maps and diagram of certain structures and buildings. He sketches on it and draws out red lines and crossing areas that he had been and knows it is dangerous. Minutes later he packs away his paper , he double checks his mask and gear he got up and exited a small hatch. The light of the morning shone against his visor. His foot pushed against the edge and stood up high looking around the area. The mist swamped the very edge of the opened hatch. The boy looks down and slides to the left on to a long ladder reaching down into the unknown mist and also up the ruined building. The boy closed the hatch of the large pod stuck in the side of the building. He looks and slowly climbs the ladder up, placing his hands firmly on each grip. Looking up and around he looks at the other buildings, looking over and looking for movements. He notices the 3rd buildings from his left rubble was falling. He eyes widen and startled, the chills ran down his spine and he started getting faster on climbing. His body just didnt feel right and he ascended the ladders unlike yesterday.

A large explosion echoed through the air and into the boy's helmet. The sound and shock of it knocked him off the ladder. Sliding down the ladder he grips onto the side of the ladder. The ladder breaks and from the sudden pull. He had stopped himself from falling. Parts and metal bars from the explosion flang out and flew out. The boy looks left again, seeing a large mutated looking arm thrusting it around. The light reflected through it leaves the shadow cast across the mist. 'The monster' he whispers to himself. He shifts himself to the right and enters a paper filled hallway of the building he was climbing. He walks quietly and slowly well looking left to right into each room. The rooms filled with more paper , dust , rubble and some rooms with nothing but the outside. The air pushed gently into the hall, as he steps one at a time he gets to the end of the hall. He pulls out his pistol and gears up his left arm. The gear he activates becomes a shield type guard that surrounds his left arm and his shoulder. He touches the nod of the door and turns it. The dust rubs against the gloves and falls lightly. The door creaks open and a slight gust of wind blows passed. The door swings open to a mass kitchen with chunks of

Watashi wa anata ga hoshidesu

After the death of the Emperor the world descended into an apocalypse. Nations and countries

set ablaze into a mad warfare. men and woman slaughtering each other for survival

for they family, for themselves. At the bitter end the land sea had burnt to dust

and the sky dyed in blood. humanity had killed the beauty of earth and crashed themsleves

into hell.

20 years later, the remaining humans that had not fought but learned to survive made a

new home for theselves. a safe zone, a haven for them and all humans that have given up on

fighting. This new community Zyko. the 5 founding families had built Zyko on the base on Mt. Everest.

for it is the last remaining area that has not been effected by the deadly virus.

The virus was born from the fallen War , where the chemicals and radiation mutated marburg virus

where it destroys the humans internal organs and given the host all the symptoms at once but the virus

kills the host after a few months. this cuased the newly forms virus to pass on to more people.

As the battle had ended the virus continued with its own battle. After the fallen war 90% of all soliders and

civilians living around the battlefield died one after another. this lead to the naming of world war 4, known as

the fallen war. were no one won and everyone lost. years after the war, over 6billion had died from the war and the

virus. But in one nation, eygpt.the phoearh knew he and his family had it and knew they were going to die

Words are like the sea and its magnificent shells. Washed ashore and left to be picked and trashed, kept, destroyed, collected and used . Words convey meaning like every single grain of sand, every single moment the wave hits. Words are used wisely to help the nation but can be used for great destruction.

Words like these can influence many and all.

When he used words, i was convinced he was the one. He had to be. Such sweet deep words touched me so deep that no one ever did. But that was also a lie. His words was thorns entwined with poison. Without realising it had cut me instead of touch and the softness of his voice was the work of the devil tying and stringing up my heart to be burnt.

He died.

2 years later.

She had moved on but lost many things. Her friends, her family, her love and meaning to move on. The people around her became noise and shadows. Her eyes had died and dried. She now goes to a new school with a new name and a new home and a fresh start. That is what she hoped for. The school she goes to is BlackCross Academy also known as BCA the renowned public school with facility, teaching and grades as high if not higher than private school.

Because her new school live on top of a man made island, she decided to live on the mainland. She had moved into a apartment for a family.

The landlord looked up and down at her. He was spectacle of her been of she acted and how she dealt with him. She seemed mature and older. But she was just an 18 year old girl trying to live.

" here you go. Your belongings had arrived early ".

The landlord stood as he watched her slowly walked in and looked around.

She walks back to the door in which they came from ,

" you can leave now, thanks".

As nice as she could the landlord did not like how she spoke and silently stormed off.

" words are not the only cruel thing that all mistake" .

She walks and collects the stacked boxes and places them all in the living room. She unraveled the boxes, shredded them and threw everything out.

" ill do this later".

She slowly walked upstairs to her room and undressed, placed her clothes in a corner of the room and then slumped on the bed. The uncovered bed welcomed her with a warm welcome after the sun had crisp it dry from the dust. She turned, moved and struggled to sleep. She grasped her head. Her legs and then her hands together.

Aria, My Light

Aria from the city moves to the rural outskirts of a busy metro city in to a simplistic and calm town after a horrific accident left her alone and scarred.

Uura ; My Light

The Journey through School

joined 437 weeks ago