Submissions by Minh.Ngu7004 tagged zoo

[ Idea 08 - 26/07/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004

Video of: Minecraft HoloLens demo at E3, 2015

My Zoo is a series business simulation video game which the player's winning objective is to build and run a successful zoo.
However in order to do so the player must be able to overcome various objectives that may prevent the zoos success.

Build a zoo the way you want to build.
Example: A Jurassic Park zoo that has Savannah enclosure and treetop walkways for guests.

Exhibits: Build amazing exhibits that not only satisfies your zoo animals but is enriching. Conserve endangered sepcies or resurrect prehistoric monstrosities >:D

Manage Guests: How do you promote your zoo to attract guests to your zoo?
Do your visitors have facilities to facilitate their expectations and needs?
- Food and Hunger: Is there stores or a variety of that are able to satisfy your customers hunger, and what of the trash as well as restrooms?
- Guests would be

Animals: Animals could be obtain in the form of puzzle pieces collected this could be done by
-micro-transaction promoting sales of particular species or endangered species
-collection of 5 mystery boxes with a said particular theme: Big cats, Primates, African mystery box or Arctic mystery box for examples.
-Requiring a large amount of in game economy money or being successful with the game rewards with collecting puzzle pieces.

Potentially in future with Holographic technology becoming more accessible to game developers, players will be able to change to and fro from birds eye and first person player perspectives. Altering between a player to a zoo keeper or a guest enjoying the rides.

- Pinch and pull to rotate the angle and view in which the players can see.