Submissions by Gibson.Hickey tagged war

Here comes the Cavalry is a fairly simple top down scroller. The objective is to take your starting cavalry unit and run him into 'free' horse riders in order to enlist them, thereby adding to and enlarging the group of units you move and control at once, which you then take to the end of the level in order to win against an opposing army.

Each level provides its own set of obstacles the player must avoid, including stationary landmarks such as buildings or impassable terrain. Colliding with such obstacles generally causes you to lose units in your group. Some more interactive obstacles include 'Rebel horseman' who are opposed to the war and will try to run into your group to 'persuade' one or two of your soldiers to desert. Food rations and drink are another obstacle but require you to collect them in order to keep your 'morale' gauge high, miss too many and you may find soldiers veering off to another particular obstacle called a 'Bar'. When you approach the end of the level depending if you have met the same amount of enemy soldiers with your own will determine if you win. As you complete levels you will unlock alternate cavalry which have different traits for what kind of obstacles will appear more or less frequently, this only applies once to your starting unit.

-Platform would primarily be iOS/Android

-Game play, Top Down Scroller, Action

-Target Audience, General

-Reference image, Scotland Forever! is an 1881 oil painting by Lady Butler