Submissions by Gibson.Hickey tagged plat-former

Winter is nearly over, and everybody is looking forward to the change in weather! Everyone except you, because you're a Snowman! It's time to head to a cooler climate, but the journey shall be fraught with perils.

The weather is currently at a point of change, so progressing is best done by keeping to areas in the shade or other cooler environments such as traversing through air-conditioned stores or lakes and rivers (Because you can somehow keep yourself held together). As you melt in warmer environments you shrink in size hindering your jump height, keeping yourself cool prevents this while gathering snow that's still lingering about increases your size. Your size visually represents your "health bar".

Your objective is to find a specific frozen goods delivery truck that will take you to the next stage, ultimately taking you through warmer areas but eventually somehow leads to the Antarctic.

-Gameplay style, Side-Scrolling, Adventure, Plat-former

Reference image from,

Colour Coded is a simple side-scrolling plat-former where your objective is to reach a door leading to the next stage.

Coloured areas lie throughout every stage, each of these colours both allow and restrict certain actions being performed within them, such as green allows you horizontal movement while red allows you to jump. There will be times when two colours overlap allowing multiple actions to be performed at once, taking the previous colours for example and combining them to get a yellow zone letting you both move left and right as well as jump. These zones would then be put to use in creating puzzling pathways to navigate to the door.

Enemies in the game come in the form of shapes, each shape having its own movement pattern which also has a dependency on the coloured zones. Enemy shapes like the square would move in straightforward patterns, while a triangle would move in a more erratic or jagged movement pattern. Instead of losing health when an enemy hits you, the enemy explodes damaging the coloured zone at its impact point, creating a dark area where no control is possible, erratically moving you about and making the zone harder to move in.

-Game play Genre, Side-scrolling, Plat-former, Puzzle

-Reference image by, myself in MSPaint

One day as you and your sister are walking back from the supermarket, you encounter a strangely dressed woman. Faster than you can react, the woman uses what appears to be magic to both kidnap your sister and open a portal which she leaps into with sister clutched under her arm. Quickly shaking off your astonishment and disbelief you jump in after them. Upon reaching the other side you find yourself wearing a peculiar pair of headphones as well as being surrounded by enemies, just then your headphones start playing rock music, instilling you with a feeling of power. After defeating the last enemy around, you take off after the wizard.

The game plays out with you chasing after this female wizard who has kidnapped your sister. The reason behind this is slowly revealed as you progress through the story. To progress you must fight and run through stages which are filled with monsters and soldiers all whom are working under the wizard to stop you. Stages themselves are 3D environments that contain many obstacles and 'plat-forming puzzles' which you must traverse. You control your character's movement with WASD/Left thumb stick with the camera following behind you. Your primary ability is to use music to manipulate yourself, such as playing rock to boost your strength. As you go through stages you may find more types of music with other various abilities. Combat works like a 3D movement orientated fighting game, depending on what music you are playing determines what kind of combos you can perform. All of this sits under a time limit, as it is also a race to catch the wizard.

-Target platforms, PS4, XBone and PC.

-Game play Genre, Action, RPG, Fighting, Plat-former.

-Target Audience, players who enjoy stated Genres

-Reference image from the game, The World Ends With You