Submissions by connor.murdoch97 tagged dakkadakka

First/third Person Shooter with all the guns and all the enemies. You like shooters? Well play Modern Shooter 2! It's got all the guns and all the enemies. Sprinting mechanics. Check. Wall running. Check. Double jump thruster packs. You bet ya! Run around and shoot enemies. Do power slides! Then reload and shoot some more enemies. Arena style death matches! No friendly fire! Rocket launchers! And your character looks awesome AND is customizable. But wait there's more! For $4.99 unlock the gold trim armor and diamond weapon skin customization kits! Sick of multiplayer? Then play the campaign with your friends (requires xbox live gold membership) with 5 levels of running shooting and there's one level where you fly a JET PLANE IN SPACE! So invest your time and money into modern shooter. Its better than the one that I released last year. Because this one's got double jump thruster packs and set a few years in the future from the previous one. Pre order Modern Shooter 2 and receive beta access to MODERN SHOOTER 3. What are you waiting for? BUY NOOWWW