Submissions by Christopher.Stagg tagged pixel-art

Genre: Action, Adventure, 2d side scroller, Pixel art.

Platform: Switch

Target Audience: Players who want to experience a story full of challenges for the protagonists expressed in a beautiful colorful pixel art. Created for players between 13 and 35 years old..

Red cells is a pixelled art 2d side scroller in where you control an anthropomorphic red cell that has the vital duty to protect the world in which you live which is the body of a person.

There are more dangers that lurk in the body where you live that you can imagine and all of them are often out of your control.
It is in your hands to use whatever is at your disposal to combat the invading forces of the body whether they are parasites or bacteria (which will be represented as powerful enemies with unique abilities)

The player will face hordes of enemies that with time will be more difficult, they will have more life, they will be more difficult to eliminate. The ultimate goal of the game is to survive and make enough time for your host body to get married and have children to secure the next generation of red cells because you know very well your ultimate fate.

The player will learn a lot of the human body, things like what are the best nutritious foods, what organs do what for, the different types of bones in the human body etc.

The Red Cells units will use different types of proteins, sugars, and white cells represented in form of weapons to fight the enemies.

Music: (Pendulum - Blood Sugar)

Credit: Osmosis Jones