Submissions by Christopher.Stagg tagged action

Genre: Action, Adventure, 2d side scroller, Pixel art.

Platform: Switch

Target Audience: Players who want to experience a story full of challenges for the protagonists expressed in a beautiful colorful pixel art. Created for players between 13 and 35 years old..

Red cells is a pixelled art 2d side scroller in where you control an anthropomorphic red cell that has the vital duty to protect the world in which you live which is the body of a person.

There are more dangers that lurk in the body where you live that you can imagine and all of them are often out of your control.
It is in your hands to use whatever is at your disposal to combat the invading forces of the body whether they are parasites or bacteria (which will be represented as powerful enemies with unique abilities)

The player will face hordes of enemies that with time will be more difficult, they will have more life, they will be more difficult to eliminate. The ultimate goal of the game is to survive and make enough time for your host body to get married and have children to secure the next generation of red cells because you know very well your ultimate fate.

The player will learn a lot of the human body, things like what are the best nutritious foods, what organs do what for, the different types of bones in the human body etc.

The Red Cells units will use different types of proteins, sugars, and white cells represented in form of weapons to fight the enemies.

Music: (Pendulum - Blood Sugar)

Credit: Osmosis Jones

Genre: Free to play, action, adventure, 2d side scroller, mmorpg

Platform: PC

Target Audience: Players who wants a mmorpg experience like never before.
Ages 14-.35, player who like to grind on their games o get exp and level up beyond and e able to defeat strong bosses.

The game consists of 100 different floors of a single tower in which the players start on the 1st floor and to advance to the next floor they must defeat the boss that protects the entrance. Unlike all the other mmorpg in the market Hohemheim will be 2d which will allow an experienced player to overcome challenges far above their level but will achieve it thanks to its ability to dodge attacks and attack at the right time unlike the mmrpg in 3d that many of them is reduced in who has more level and who has more attack.

The player can find throughout the floor immeasurable amount of loot, you must defeat the enemies of the floor to obtain materials and to be able to craft powerful weapons.

The multiplayer will allow the player to fight against bosses with their friends and both will gain the benefit by defeating it.

The art will be extremely striking and the fact that it is pixelated gives it a certain charm.

The game will end when the player completes the story mode and defeats the boss of the 100th floor, although after finishing it he can continue playing with his friends and obtaining new loot.

The game can be downloaded for free, and will have its micro-transaction system where the player can speed up their progress in the game and buy the game money which in turn can be exchanged for chests containing rewards.

Music: (Blasphemous Theme)

Credit: Shovel Knight

Género: Fantasía, Acción, RTS.

Plataforma: PC.

Audiencia: Personas entre 17 y 32 años que estén sedientos por ir al campo de batalla, expandir las fronteras del reino y derrotar de una vez al malvado imperio que a utilizado el miedo y la extorsión para destruir a incontables otros reinos.

Descripción del Juego: Heart of the Underdog es el primer juego a la fecha que mezcla las infinitas posibilidades de un juego estratégico de RTS y el combate cuerpo a cuerpo de un juego de acción. Ponte el sombrero de comandante de las tropas del reino y utiliza diferentes elementos estratégicos para llevarlos a campos de batalla favorables, aunque las probabilidades estén en tu contra una decisión acertada en el momento justo puede cambiar el rumbo de la campaña. Una vez las tropas hayan sido movilizadas ponte la armadura y el casco pues en la fase de batalla utilizaras a 1 soldado individual en el campo de batalla y junto a tus aliados pelearas con uñas y dientes si es necesario para llevar el reino a la victoria, el objetivo del juego es dominar el mapa.

Controles: Durante la fase estratégica podrás utilizar el mouse para seleccionar a tus tropas para movilizarlas y atacar. Mientas que en la fase de batalla podrás utilizar los mandos del teclado o si lo deseas un control de consola en el que controlaras a un soldado que puede pelear con escudo, espada, lanza, maso, y si es necesario con sus propios puños para poder infligir daño a sus oponentes.

Musica: (Dark Souls - Iron Golem Theme)

Credito: (Total war) (For Honor)

Genre: (FPS) (Tactical) (Action)

Platform: (PC)

Demographic: This game is aimed at a mature audience, as it contains quick decision making in a hostile and graphic environment.

Game Description: You are a former member of the secret service of the United States and have been called from your retirement to attend a last mission. Airforce 1 has been hijacked by unknown terrorists and the president is hostage along with other senior members of the government. Intel have discovered that some of the terrorists are former colleagues of yours who have betrayed their country so are just as dangerous as you. There are bombs all over the plane that are endangering the lives of other passengers in addition the president has been injected with truth serum and it is a matter of time for terrorists to obtain the nuclear codes. You have been equipped with the highest technology and military equipment to emerge victorious from this dangerous mission, you can use your ingenuity to cross the compartments of the plane stealthily or fight your way gunzblazing. Time runs and every decision you make could be the last for you and the world.

Music: (M.I.A Avenged Sevenfold)

Credit: Rainbow Six Siege (PS4)