Submissions by ben.lle6370 tagged guns

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People kill people is an action simulation game about being a gun that kills people by its own free will. For a long time, pro gun lobbyists have made the argument that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." You are a gun intent on killing people and you are going to use that previous statement to your advantage.

When nobody is watching, you will have the ability to move the gun from four pivot points and wiggle yourself around, and you can discharge yourself at will if you so choose. Your objective is to cause a domestic or public shooting and then have it blamed it on a person. Don't get caught! If someone catches a gun wriggling around all by itself it's going to raise suspicions and the game will be over.


  • Wriggle yourself into the wrong hands. Conveniently fall on the ground and discharge yourself, or move yourself into the reach of an infant and hope they shoot their parents.
  • Jump out of a holster in the middle of a heated argument and shoot someone.
  • A unique twist on traditional movement systems and stealth games.