Submissions from 2024-04-21 to 2024-04-22 (3 total)

Genre: 3D, Action rpg, adventure

Platform: Playstation, Xbox, PC

Audience: ages between 15 and 30, for those wishing for an enticing story and an adaptive action rpg.

Synopsis: The story revolves around our protagonist nicknamed Al as he has lost his memory and finds himself wielding the ancient power of the “Ever Flame” which essentially allows him the control of a never extinguishing fire he is able to conjure in the world of fantasy. It is not known by him, but he will play an integral part to the preservation of the world between the war of gods and humans.

Gameplay: The player will take control of Al and his companions that will become available as he progresses with the story. Each character will have a unique trait and skills which effects can vary from providing healing and buffs to the team to cause debuffs to enemies and weaken them to cause immense amount of damage. Using Al as an example, he can imbue his attacks with fire properties to augment their destructive capabilities, this effect also applies to his skills.

The combat is very fluid allowing the transition of attacks from normal > heavy into skills, these can also be cancelled into each other opening various routes in a sequence of attacks. This will also cause the combo meter and the ultimate gauge to fill up where the combo meter will apply a passive increase in attack strength to the current party and the ultimate gauge, once filled, can unleash a massive amount of damage. Alongside this mechanic the player will be able to swap between the active party members to follow up on combos, provide a change of pace or explore a section they might only have access to.

Another aspect that may impact the gameplay is the “Bond” feature where, characters can interact with each other to not only discover and develop each of their individual stories but as well as unlock special skills and even passives of their own that can better assist the synergy of characters and play an important part when setting up the team composition.

As is standard with rpgs the player can change the equipment, loadout, and skills to match the preferences of the players.

Controls: The control scheme is as follows, with the left analog stick to move, the right analog stick to control the camera, the square button for normal attack, triangle for heavy attack, x for jumping and circle to block and dodge if the left analog stick is used.

The L1 button will change the available buttons of square, triangle, x and circle to the skills that have been equipped, the R1 will allow the use of the special trait, the L2 will have the function to give commands to the party and R2 will allow the change of active character. by pressing the L1 and R1 button together once the ultimate gauge is full will allow the use of the ultimate attack.

These controls will also be modifiable so players can configure them depending on their needs

The main imagery that helped inspire this idea was the phoenix found in the Final Fantasy franchise, to be more precise it would be the iteration of Final Fantasy 16.

The soundtrack that comes to mind for this would be the BGM found in Granblue Fantasy versus rising which is Dragon Knights. The main reason for this specific BGM would be the essence of fantasy as well as merging classical instruments with modern allowing a more active feel.

Platform: PC

Genre: First Person, Horror

Target audience: Targeted at people aged 18 to 25, it’s aimed at players who enjoy fun experiences and first-person shooters, with a fun twist.

Game description:

In this game, you explore an abandoned mall in hopes of finding the exit but something else follows you as well in hopes you lead it to freedom, you play as a teenager who snuck into a mall to try and rob it, which goes sideways since for some reason the mall goes into lockdown.

In this game, you will use (W,A,S,D) for movement, (E) to interact with objects that will help you survive, and finally (Shift) to run, while using our stamina system. In NightMall you will explore different stores while escaping from a horrible creature trying to find you, gathering supplies, or hiding from the said creature. The monster will have 2 AI working together, one who moves and is given map knowledge and another that feeds the other AI clues of your whereabouts.

Your main goal will be to find one of the many different exits following different paths, either try unlocking the main gate, the fire escape, or the employee exit, and try to see which ending suits your playstyle.

You will have many tools in your arsenal, to help ease your escape from dangerous situations, like a fire extinguisher to distract/blind the creature, or a perfume bottle to startle and make noise to attract the creature.

The main objective is survival, of course, you could also try and kill the creature to make sure it doesn't get out, or you could try and figure out the mystery of the creature, why is such an entity roaming around a mall at night, or you know you could escape.

The mall will be a section as you progress, you will be able to unlock the space depending on which route you choose, escape, discover, or fight. The mall will be section at entrance, Food Court, Cinema, and lastly Parking

The models will be in 3D, pixel-looking, as if made out of polygons or almost like the art style of “Untitled Goose Game”. I know it's repetitive but I love this art style.

The music of NightMall will have an emphasis on 80s mall music like “Jump” by Van Halen (

Image Source:

Audiencia: Todas las edades.
Plataforma: PC y consolas.

Un perrito y su dueño los cuales ambos se querían muchísimo.

Un día, un portal los absorbió a ambos, separando a ambos en mundos distintos.

Tu misión es hacer que su perro se encuentre nuevamente con su dueño y viceversa, ya que vas a poder elegir con quién deseas jugar.

Enfrentarás los enemigos y viajarás a diferentes mundos, los cuales estos irán cambiando el estilo de juego, desde el 2D hasta el 3D.

También habrá varios modos de combate, dependiendo en qué mundo estés.

Espero seas capaz de encontrar al dueño del perro o hacer que el perrito se encuentre con su dueño.

Música de referencia:

Imagen de referencia: