Submissions from 2024-03-28 to 2024-03-29 (2 total)

Genre: simulation, puzzle, graphic adventure
Platform: PC
Audience: +16 players

Description: you are a fallen angel who is trying to have the reason and be forgiven for being “too rebellious” just for your opinions about what it’s just and what it isn’t, and to achieve this, you will be the guardian angel of different and problematic kids, obviously not everyone at the same time, you will take care of them individually by chapters.

To play this game, you will need to use the arrow keys to move and your mouse for clicking good decisions. Each decision you make is really important because you prevent the kids from doing something very bad or getting in a dangerous situation, but this will be difficult to get because they are going to be hard to control and sometimes won’t understand your advice or take it wrong, but also, you will only have one minute for take a decision, this will be shown in a clock above the decisions, after that these will disappear and your kids will do whatever they want.

But the attitude of these kids are not totally their fault, some of them don’t live in the correct ambient or have someone to protect and guide them in the path of good, and this is the main reason you have been assigned to be their guardian angel, besides the fact you want to prove to everyone in the heaven that the world would be better if they really cared like they should.

So, if you end up helping all the kids and making their lives better, you are going to be a normal angel again and everyone in heaven will work like you did in order to make the world good, but if you fail in your mission, all these kids won’t have good lives along other more, you are not going to be an angel anymore and for the rest of your life you will be punished to only see other poor souls suffer over and over.

The graphics of the game will be 2D with a simple cartoonish anime style. The soundtrack is going to be classical music, from the funniest ones like this:, to the most dramatic ones:

Sources for the creation of the image: background, characters were made with

Género: 2D, Platformer

Plataforma: consolas

Audiencia: Personas que disfruten de juegos de plataformas dinámicos y veloces, entre 13 a 20 años

Descripción: El juego se sitúa en un futuro lejano, donde una compañía lo controla todo, incluso a sus trabajadores, el juego arranca cuando uno de ellos es liberado y se ve forzado a escapar ya que todo el edificio se encuentra detrás de él.

El juego busca recompensar al jugador por su habilidad de mantener velocidad mientras esquiva obstáculos y evita ser atrapado por un enemigo que lo persigue en la mayoría de los niveles, si el enemigo alcanza al jugador el jugador pierde, esto para que el jugador procure estar en movimiento en todo momento.

Los niveles se dividen en tres secciones, la veloz, ubicada en la parte de arriba del nivel, la intermedia, ubicada en el medio del nivel y la lenta, ubicada en la parte baja del nivel.

Si el jugador es hábil, este llegara a la parte veloz, si se e dificulta, pero es capaz, este estará en el intermedio y si se le complica mucho, estará en la parte lenta

El jugador se puede mover usando el joystick izquierdo o con los botones direccionales, para saltar se usa el botón X, se desliza manteniendo presionado O, se puede hacer un Dash aéreo presionando O en el aire y si se recolecta cierto objeto, se podrá realizar un boost por cierto tiempo.

Para el soundtrack, quiero que complemente a la estética futurística y que se sienta dinámica:

Imagen que me dio la idea (Vector para calulares):
