Submissions from 2024-02-25 to 2024-02-26 (3 total)

Genre: Platformer, 2D/3D, Visual Novel, Adventure
Console: PC, Nintendo Switch

Audience: E for everyone

Description: Draugs Kingdom has been usurped by the corrupt council of his father’s advisors and has had his full strength taken from him as such he will battle to regain his strength as well as take back his Kingdom. The key feature of the platformer is Draugs unique nature as a spectre which provides various types of mobility such as double jumps, phasing through solid materials, air dashes and even telekinetic abilities. As the game progresses, he will obtain temporary powerups reminiscent of his true strength.
Another key feature would be the various locations Draug would find himself in to not only help the people but get to know the full extent of what it would mean to be a king. These locations will contain supports and allies that will help down the line to boost a specific attribute or element or even develop Draugs and the discerning part would be that these areas will be in a 3D space to explore and even use the abilities used in the traditional platforming levels (Cour).

The main inspiration I received when it came to the platformers themselves was from concepts of ghosts and phantoms but more directly inspired by Arsene from the Persona Series by Atlus.

The music that allowed me to better visualize the concept was a soundtrack found in Sonic heroes with a supernatural felling but allowing for a more upbeat progression as one is accomplishing missions.
Mystic Mansion- Sonic Heroes Soundtrack

Arsene P5 Tactica.webp31kb

Platform: Mobile

Genre: Puzzle

The game is based on chess in an open world, where you can move your pieces freely around the map.

Some changes in the rules: To crown pawns, you can move 2 pawns.
The pawns can now move like the king, i.e. sideways, up and down and also diagonally, even if it is only one step.

To win the game, you must obviously checkmate the king.

Will you be able to checkmate the king in an open world?


Plataforma: PC

Género: Plataformer, Puzzle,Racing

Audiencia: Esta dirigido a personas entre 18 - 25. Que son fans de juegos shooter en primera persona pero tambien les gustan los plataformers

Descripcion del Juego: Maestros Katana un juego donde tu eres un maestro de la katana, intentando demostrarle al mundo que tu eres el mejor controlando tu katana, asi que tienes que demostrar tus habilidades con la katana y ser el numero 1.

Maestros Katana seria un juego en primera persona con elementos plataformer donde usarias una katana para empujarte hacia una direcion, usando el impulso de la katana para guiarte usas el (Mouse) hacia donde quisieses ir y apretas el (Left Click) para hacer un impulso hacia adelante como si fueses a cortar un objeto.

Maestros Katana tendria distintos mapas donde habran ciertos objetos que te ayudaran a llegar mas rapido que todos como una fruta que hace que tus cortes sean mas rapidos dandote mas velocidad, la metas estarian localizadas arriba asi que tendrias que usar tu (Left Click) para poder llegar hasta la cima, asi que objetos como por ejemplo la manzana te ayudaria a cortar mas rapido, tambien mapas tendran plataformas secretas para poder tomar atajos y llegar antes.

En el juego tendrias que lograr conseguir llegar mas temprano asi que habran cosas como marcadores para contar si fuiste mas rapido que tus amigos, tambien cosmeticos como differentes katanas o objetos de cortar.

Los modelos de los personajes serian en 3D y serian detallados, pero tambien tendrian sus cosmeticos como cambio de color, o de modelo de por si.

La musica Maestros Katana tendra un emphasis en la musica japones por eso me inspire y tome o k a m i hecho por Context Sensitive ( .

Foto de ejemplo: