"Hold space to fart" is a little game for the Ludum Dare Game Jam. It's about farting at a vernissage to chase the visitors off the food tables.


Painted minor things today like the portrait at the wall.

Update: Uploaded the game to Ludum Dare

Stephan9 years ago

@qubodup Oh, yeah, such an indicator would be useful. Thank you for the feedback.

Fartspace is good. Another name I had in mind was Fartissage.

qubodup9 years ago

Very nice. I mean... you know what I mean. :)

CC: As a player, it bugs me that there's no clear indicator whether space-pressing was long enough for a fart to form.

Alternative title suggestion: Fartspace (although the original sounds much better as the title for an "interesting" painting)

Anja9 years ago

Haha :-) I have to admit, I had to turn my sound off to play it, but I again, very stylish graphic setting. Reminds me on you pig game,

I like the possibility to restart on the same level, and have not to start from the beginning everytime.

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