Submissions from 2015-07-27 to 2015-08-03 (2 total)

This is an HDR shot composed three different exposures using auto-bracketing. I just happened to walk into this beautiful sunset on Thursday night. :) I've been experimenting with Lightroom's HDR photo merge feature. Here are some random tidbits I find useful when taking HDR pictures:

  • bracket your shots at 1.5-2 stops; this ensures that your camera captures most of the dynamic range you'll need.
  • if you use auto-bracketing, put you camera on high-burst mode so your camera can take all the exposures in one push of the button; this minimizes the delay between shots and, therefore, minimizes ghosting.
  • when using Lightroom's HDR merge, skip the auto-tone checkbox. It's much better to tweak the shadows and highlights yourself. You can still use the auto-tone feature by clicking the "auto" button under the "basic" Develop module.
  • you also don't need deghosting if you shot with a tripod as it tends to introduce weird artifacts.
  • if you're using Lightroom, group your different exposures into one "stack"; this makes managing different HDR pictures much easier.
  • HDR pictures are especially great if you want to shoot into a backlit subject but still want to capture all highlights and shadows.

Lightroom's HDR merge is really one of the simplest HDR tools out there. I personally don't prefer over-processed HDR images. I like HDR pictures with a more "natural" look. With Lightroom's HDR tool, it simply extends the dynamic range of my picture and gives me a lot more room to play with the shadows and highlights. It's easy to use and works great with my workflow.

Waited at Kerry Park in Seattle for a chance to get a shot of their skyline. We lucked out since it's not too common to have such a clear day like this where you can see Mt. Rainier in the back. The most difficult part about this shot was that I didn't bring a tripod on the trip so I had to freehand this with a slow shutter speed.

ISO 1600


