Submissions from 2015-04-27 to 2015-04-28 (1 total)

Well, I've done it. I've missed quite a few days already, it's a wonder I've turned up to post again. Though there's no sense in turning back now, might as well just share what I've learned from today's read and get on with it.

When people talk about their work they really should talk about both kinds of 'work'. The 'art-work', the finished product everyone sees, and the work it took to produce. The process of a product's development can be equally as entertaining as the work itself. By sharing your process -- the stuff we artists really care about -- you can create a special bond with your audience by inviting them inside your world.

It's a bit of a terrifying idea to expose your art when it's most vulnerable and in unfinished stages. Though the fear of criticism from those who may not "get it", should never surpass your desire to produce work that tells a story. From beginning to end, posting about your unfinished work gives it character, personality, a chance to join the community, to grow and contribute. We all know that any creative work isn't just born and printed immediately as the idea happens; but rather something that develops through a careful process. Remember to include this 'work' in your creative exhibits so people can get to know with the real side of your work too.