Submissions from 2015-04-17 to 2015-04-18 (1 total)

As an art director, I am constantly challenged to think visually. However, I've noticed a need for copywriting, where projects with no budget for a good copywriter fell flat. So I've been working on my techniques to avoid poor results. A part of that practise is watching successful people work. Will Awdry is a fantastic (biased answer...but still true) copywriter who's thinking I admire. From my latest read, "Award-Winning Examples of Writing For Advertising from Will Awdry" here are his top three tips on how to write better copy:

1 -- Know who you're writing for. Bring your audience to life and be super specific.
2 -- Don't just describe what you're selling. Put purpose and mission into it. It's more interesting, vital and important to your audience that way.
3 -- You're not just telling, you're talking; and talking is a two way street. Allow some headspace for your audience to play and think.

One of my favourite techniques taken from long-ago improv lessons, is the "yes, and" technique. This has helped me ask more questions about why a story should be told, what would make it interesting, and why people would want to listen. So the next time you write, ask yourself this: "so I've got a great idea, and?"