Submissions from 2015-04-28 to 2015-04-29 (2 total)


"I have endeavored to converse with as many inebriated priests as possible. I ask them, 'Does your god exist?' The answers differ, but to those that say yes, I press for why they believe. Many have poor answers, some have fair answers, but on occasion, I am privileged enough to listen to an incredible story." --Niwopler Kels, self-proclaimed merchant extraordinaire

At dinner one evening, as Urcea and Ralphel sat with several other guests, she, glancing about the faces in the room, happened to catch the eye of a young man. He was impeccably dressed. His dinner suit nothing but clean lines and sharp creases. He had an easy way with his companions, who seemed enthralled; hanging on every word. Urcea couldn't hear any of their conversation from her position, but occasionally an outburst of laughter from his companions would float to them over the din of the crowd. She was sore tempted to introduce herself, but as she looked over his several female companions and their gaudy jewelry and shiny materials, she felt underdressed in her simple black evening dress. Nevermind that it showed her shoulders to astounding success. The black brocade rising from her collarbones and encircling her graceful neck, setting off the delicate silver chain her father had given her. She picked at her suede elbow-gloves.