Submissions from 2023-04-26 to 2023-04-27 (2 total)

A submission for GAME 1100 Feb 2023 77

Galactic Explorer.docx61kb
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Genre: adventure, ice cream, open world, multiplayer.

Platform: PS5, Xbox Series X, PC

Directed: to all public

Objective: To be penguins who own an ice cream parlor and try not to bankrupt it while embarking on adventures to get the ingredients.

Story Description: There are two penguins who decide to have an ice cream parlor in the South Pole, but in order to have ingredients they need to travel a lot and go through many obstacles. For example, suppose you have to go find ingredients for a vanilla ice cream, but to do so you need to obtain vanilla by searching for an exotic orchid pod. To achieve this they have to travel very far and in that case one of the obstacles is the temperature, they have to have a strategy to survive with the different climates that they find on the way.

On the other hand, they also need to be able to control and manage the ice cream parlor, since there will be other penguins who will want to destroy the ice cream parlor or want to put a bad name on it so that fewer customers come.
Game description: This game will deal with the story of the two penguins whose name the players can decide, here they will have to organize themselves to be able to have the ice cream shop well and with many customers and at the same time look for the necessary ingredients.

When they go to look for the ingredients, and they have to go to different places, they will have to be careful with their body temperature, if it rises too much they can die, for this there will be cooling methods where they can go to eat other ice creams and thus their temperature will drop body and have a longer life and at the same time get more flavors or ideas for your own ice cream parlor.

On the other side of the story, in the ice cream parlor you have to provide good customer service, and you will have to live with them so that little by little your friendship with them increases, and they become allies of the ice cream parlor and do not want to ruin the business.

But at the same time deal with the bad guys, in this case you have to convince them that they are doing something wrong, and they should change and that this does not have a negative effect and the bad guys want to plant bombs and destroy the place.

