Submissions from 2023-03-20 to 2023-03-21 (2 total)

Género: Beat them up, Hack and Slash.
Plataforma: PS5 y PC.
Publico: Adolescentes y adultos jóvenes.

Sinopsis: En el mundo de Mega Dance el baile es la clave del éxito en las calles de Quiet City donde las personas son trabajadoras y grises en sus vidas.

Pero en las partes más ocultas de las calles de Quiet City están los bailarines callejeros que dan todo en la pista de baile y luchan para ver quien dominará las calles.

Nuestra protagonista se llama Nozomi forma parte de los bad street guys un grupo de bailarines que quieren llegar lejos en el mundo del baile, pero no lo tendrán fácil, ya que habrá otros clanes de baile que querrán dominar Quiet city, a su vez que la policía de la ciudad trata de detener a los bailarines, ya que la diversión está prohibida en la ciudad.

Nozomi junto a su clan bailara y luchara a muerte con la persona que se le ponga al frente con tal de alcanzar su sueño.
En una parte de la trama, Nozomi es acusada de matar a un integrante de una banda rival y ella tratará de demostrar su inocencia a punta de pasos de bailes mortales.

Gameplay: El juego tendrá un sistema de combate por combos donde entre mejor combines mejores pasos de bailes sacaras, a demás que tendrás él dance dance kill que será como una ejecución donde tendrás que presionar los botones correctos para hacer el baile especial.

A demás la música del juego tendrá mucha importancia, ya que si peleas siguiendo el ritmo de la canción este hará golpes críticos a su vez que llenara la barra de dance dance boost donde el Nozomi bailara más rápido y podrás activar él dance dance kill.
Como esto:

Controles: Los controles tendrá un sistema bastante sencillos las bases, pero cuando vayas desbloqueando más pasos de baile entonces tendrás que combinar más botones a la vez si quieres dar pasos de bailes espectaculares.

Interfaz: Presentará una interfaz espacial a la hora de pelear, ya que cuando estén sonando las canciones, las letras más importantes de la canción que esté sonando en ese momento serán parte del escenario.

En otros momentos presentará una no diegética a la hora de mostrar la vida y estamina de Nozomi, a su vez en el sistema de conectar golpes con la canción solo serán vistas por el usuario, se le presentará el momento donde podrá conectar un golpe crítico al ritmo de la canción.

Música: Al ser un juego rítmico este tendrá mucha importancia a la hora de la música, con ritmos electrónicos y de hip hop; Hay que seguir el ritmo para que Nozomi se inspire.
Cada boss tendrá su canción especial a su vez que los escenarios.

Estilo Visual: Poseerá un estilo semi realista con algunos tintes cartoon con un clásico cel shading.

Genre: Romance, sadness, Multiplayer, open world.
Platform: PS5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch.
Directed: All public.
Objective: To teach the way in which penguins see love and become attached to an endangered species.
Story description:
This story begins with a zoo in Vancouver that has a couple of penguins in captivity that was named by the public as Kaori Miyazono as the female and the male penguin as Kousei Arima and the interesting thing about these two penguins was the attachment they had between them. and the sensation that it caused to the visitors of this zoo, but one day in a dark and rainy night of October 16, 1978, these two penguins disappeared without leaving any trace.
This is when the story begins with a search squad and the residents of this city who were delighted with this couple of penguins began to search non-stop throughout the city for this beautiful couple. While in the couple's point of view they were living a dream a freedom they had never had and they were having fun, walking around the city as if they were human. When they were obviously penguins.
And the researchers and people got tired of searching for the penguin couple after the course of 1 year and 7 months of searching without any update or sighting of this penguin couple.
Until the day of 1986 came when what was expected by the inhabitants of Vancouver happened and it was the sighting of this couple in the ocean with a new member of this pair of penguins. All the inhabitants with happiness began to name the son as Kyubey because of how adorable he was, and the zoo released them after seeing that they integrated well into the habitat.
But as they say, every happy story has a sad ending, the inhabitants realized over the months that the female penguin Kaori Miyazono had some strange symptoms, and they took her to a veterinarian and the vet concluded that she had a virus: Avian Orthoavulavirus that it was likely that he would die in a few days.
Until the day of 1988 arrived when the entire family of dead penguins was found because the mother died, and the male penguin committed suicide due to the death of his wife and the son of the penguins died due to lack of food.
Game Description:
This game will delve into penguin exploration, survival, and entertainment, with multiple mini-games and penguin fishing, predator escape and Easter Egg all over the Vancouver map.
It will have 3D graphics with a spatial audio system. And you wonder how spatial audio will work? Well, simple, you can listen to the depth, distance, of an object or living being that is in the game.
Controls, audio, video adjustments: The controls system made multiple modifications for different people.
The audio system will be able to edit it to your pleasure with an option to add subtitles.
The video system: you will be able to edit the different shades of colors for people with some condition such as color blindness and you will be able to modify the graphics at your pleasure.