Submissions from 2023-03-05 to 2023-03-06 (2 total)

A submission for GAME 1100 Feb 2023 25

History legends.docx158kb
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Genre: Simulator, Children
Platform: PS5, Xbox, PC
Directed: All ages
Objectives: It is to teach and entertains the public with the entertainment of throwing a surprise party.
Description: This game will be made in an 3D format, with many maps and stories to make the parties, which parties will have a background story and will say like so? Well, simple, a NPC that acts as a friend of the possible birthday boy will give you brief story about what the birthday boy likes and we will have to be aware of the friend's instructions to have a party to the birthday boy's liking, expanded on how you do the party on a birthday boy and the guests will give scores of how much they liked the party.
Throughout this game you will have different difficulties and over time we will be adding new DLC of the game.
Controls: This game will have controls for movement, measurement, jumping, spying and will have a series of definitions for special controls for people with disabilities.
Music: and music of the birthday boy coming home: picture.