Submissions from 2021-05-13 to 2021-05-14 (1 total)

Genre: Hyper-Addictive

Platform: Mobile, PC.

Demography: Over 14 years old.

Description: In this game you basically load firearms magazines, you start out basic, with a small caliber and doing it by hand, you make money for each magazine filled, then you can upgrade to larger magazines that pay more when they are filled and new methods for loading magazines such as speed loaders, after you get enough money you buy the next caliber and start over, from small to large. You can also invest in passive money generating methods that will give you little cash over time without doing anything. The game will be mainly released on mobile and will contain both ads and micro transactions, you will be able to get some progress skips and skins for magazines with the special currency.

Music: The game music will be somewhat “metalic” but at the same time chill, something people will hear over and over.