Submissions from 2019-10-13 to 2019-10-14 (1 total)

Genre: Horror, Sci-fi, Mystery, Survival
Platform: PC, VR
Demography: ESRB Mature. People who like horror movies or games that take place in space, that contain several suspense scenes and cannot predict what might happen.

Description: You’re a psychologist who wakes up after a nap on a ship called "nothing," but once the entire ship’s crew has disappeared and all that’s left is their belongings. Suddenly you hear screams coming from the dining room but when you arrive you don’t see anyone, but you see a crown made of strange material and you put it on.

Once you put the crown on you can’t take it off. When you put it on you see visions of missing persons doing something (like clues). You have to go around the big ship looking for a sign of life. You will be able to interact with objects that will bring back memories of the last time you saw that person.

You have to be careful because hostile entities appear that will try to kill you. These entities are shadow-shaped and you have to hide so they don’t catch you.

S P O I L E R:
At the end of the game you take off the crown and you see the corpses of the crew and you see that your hands are stained with blood. You realize that before you started the game (before you took a nap) you murdered the entire crew. And the shadow entities were your demons that tormented you.

