Trying out something I came across /r/powerlifting: INOL (intensity in a given number of lifts). The basic formula is: # of reps / (100 - % of 1 rep max). My back squat 1 rep max is 295lb. So, for this session my back squat INOL is 20/(100 -135/295*100) + 15/(100-185/295*100) + 25/(100-205/295*100) + 25/(100-225/295*100) = 2.6440386. According to the video, I'm either training for a competition or I need to call 911... LoL. I haven't tested my front squat 1 rep max yet, so I'm not calculating my INOL for it. Here is my workout session.
Back Squat vol: 16,225 lb Front squat Vol: 2,025 lb --------------------------- Total squat vol: 18,250lb Back squat INOL: 2.6440386