Very hard, didn't get how the muscles are placed. Proportions look terrible.

More submissions by GuroGuru for Human Figure Drawning

Gesture chapter.

Decided to guide my study this way:

  • BALANCE (between spine and masses, for example, or between muscle and bone, sharp and smooth shapes)
  • Describe 8 parts of the body with curves and wrapping lines (remembering to work on assymetry, repetition and timing)
  • Start from the head, going through the spine, on a diagonal until the weight bearing leg
  • Play with rib cage and pelvis 3D shapes
  • Play with center of gravity
  • Exercise "about to..." poses
  • Try to add shoulder muscle and collarbones
  • Play with perspective
  • Notice proportion (pelvis is half)
  • Quickpose once in a while

Ansious to start construction, but gesture still inexpressive, vague, unbalanced and disproportioned

Difficulty to place pelvis curve. Tried 2min poses. Sketches not very grateful, wonder if I'm actually improving

Difficulty understanding stretch, pelvis placement. Felt a better understanding of the arms gesture. Must work on proportion.

Slightly improved after watched part of this Michael Hampton video; however, it still not good.

I'll watch more of Hampton's gesture videos and practice before start studying construction

Lot of trouble focusing on S an C curves; not fast enough to wedge head, rib cage and pelvis; difficulty with proportion; large amount of meaningless and confusing curves.

Some gesture drawing. Still have hard time with proportion, spine placement and volume. Not fast enough to add head, rib cage and pelvis forms.

  • Spine
  • Head, rib cage and pelvis
  • Assymetrical lines (flow feeling)
  • Repetition
  • Wrapping lines (envelope shapes)

Human Figure Drawning

Studying anatomy and practicing figure drawing

daily from 2021-12-18 to 2023-08-28