Submissions by ZePwnage tagged yoldreff

Rocked it. Short sample:

Picking the lock in seconds, he entered with a little leap—for he was a little person, not to be confused with a dwarf. Dwarfs were even smaller people, whereas he was just very short. Indeed, he tried his best not to enact vengeance upon those who confused him with a dwarf. Dwarfs were very very short. He was a burglar—just naturally very short. His parents were short and he was even shorter. Sure, his parents weren't incredibly short like he was, but he liked to think he was naturally unlucky—or lucky if you thought about all the places he could get into that normal people would never manage to fit in. The doctors had been understanding and said that he was not a dwarf, rather a very short person. And he believed them. He enjoyed thinking of himself as somewhat special. Very few people were as short as he was. Many proper dwarfs were unable to run properly or even work. Yet as a very short person but not a dwarf, he was able to do everything, just on a smaller scale.

Had to plan some yesterday. Thought really long and hard and changed the plot of several things. Back to writing now :)

Different storyline, Yoldreff's.

Still working on the novel! No preview this time. Maybe next time!