Submissions by stefanibulte tagged puzzle-platformer

Asymmetric multiplayer puzzle platformer

A game for two players.

Features collaborative asymmetric gameplay. Both players have the same ultimate goal but individual short term goals.

One person plays as a character with simple platforming abilities (jump, wall jump e.c.t). Their goal is to navigate each level, avoiding dangerous obstacles, enemies and pits. They would need platforming skills predominantly.

The other person would play as a poltergeist type character. They would be able to fly around the level and be unaffected by enemies and danger. They would, however be able to interact with the environmental aspects of the level. They could move blocks, cover up deadly spikes, trap enemies e.c.t. They would treat each level like a puzzle, setting up the environment so that the platforming character would be able to navigate it (this would be impossible with the initial setup of each level). They would need puzzle solving skills as well as an understanding of the limitations and abilities of the platformer. Their ultimate goal would be getting the platformer to the end of each level.

For more difficult levels, the puzzler would need to solve levels quickly as the screen would auto scroll to the right. If the platformer was caught out by the edge of the screen they would die and both players would fail.