Submissions by Rony Hanna tagged ogres

Author: Rony Hanna

Date: 15 - 08 – 2016

Subject: GDV110 – Day 028

Ogres Helper

Game Concept:

Jason the explorer has been travelling throughout the jungles of Andos where a lot of ogres seem to live. After discovering the beneficial properties of some of the natural springs of the area, Jason has managed to convince a primitive tribe of ogres to transform their rustic encampment into a medicinal spa of sorts. Before the ogre town of Og'lok that is located in the center of Andos can open for business though, the area must be prepared, a pest problem needs to be sorted and the ogres really ought to be reminded that bashing travelers with big clubs is not a traditional health treatment. Players must aid the ogres of Og'lok in expanding their hot sprints into a proper resort and attract newcomers. The game is played from a third person perspective and offers a lot of puzzles and similar challenges to the players. Players are expected to hunt a lot of creatures and gather a lot of materials throughout the jungle.

Possible Platforms:

PC and Mac.

Wallpaper posted by pixar on the 5th of August, 2009.