Submissions by PoppydeRaad tagged sprites

In this game you play as a guardian acting as the protector of a small family of sprites. These sprites rely on you for protection and guidance. Guardians only awake once every 1000 years when they are greatly needed. Made out of items from around the environment they inhabit they are almost impossible to find unless they are awake and on the move.

When a forest fire ravages part of the woodland you inhabit you begin to tend to the deadened wood and debris, cleaning to make sure there will be a chance for new life. While clearing burnt branches you come across a small family of woodland sprites that have been injured by the fire. Picking up the sprites you vow to find them somewhere safe to live. However the forest fire has bought dangerous creatures about, searching for remains of animals that weren't lucky enough to escape the flames, use your wits and the magical power of the sprites to work together and find safety.

The game plays as a puzzle platformer where the sprites are able to manipulate the world around you. To put it simply, you are the legs and they are the brains. Switch between the guardian and the sprites in order to make the most of their attributes (strength, healing, swiftness) and find your way to a place the sprites can call home.

(click arrows at the side of the art to scroll to find this piece)