Submissions by Minh.Ngu7004 tagged zombies

[ Idea 28 - 15/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004

With the world as we know crumpling down before our very eyes. The Player manages to escape the epidemic and now is confined within an building and in a room with four others:

- The Parent trying to find their daughter within the building and escape.
- The Nurse with the ability to inspect and is the first to notice any abnormalities.
- The Charming businessman with the unknown injury.
- The Rookie police officer has the ability to constrain and a firearm with limited rounds.

three are safe, one is...
...infected. *Walking dead music*

Manga: "I am a Hero" written and illustrated by Kengo Hanazawa.
Image obtained from:

Game play of infected plays out over the course of 3 phases,
1st: Negotiation: Each player is given a role among the group and a personal own objective in which the player, should he or she wish to complete. The player who is infected will try and negotiate their way out of the inspection and pry blame onto others. The characters and the personal objective is changed and the rounds scenario is randomized:

2nd: Barricade: The four other players are not the only ones alone in the building, barricade and prevent further infected from coming in as well Players could use the opportunity to save others or save yourself to further increase trust or persuade the others to turn on the other.

3rd: Escape: Barricades can only hold on for so long no escape or use the chaos to your advantage. The infected will have immunity against the horde but it is very very difficult to distinguish, the player playing the infected will then turn into a monstrous infected boss-like with the new objective to infect the other three.