Submissions by Minh.Ngu7004 tagged pleasesenpai

[ Idea 16 - 03/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004

News article:

Nothing infuriates you and your fellow colleagues more then not only the lack of a marking website which your team compiles resources towards but the shear wait in the blank vagueness and the unknowing eternity for your team grades in the last performance summative at your company.

Which only leaves to one and one only course of action... mutiny.

Office Knights is a 4 vs 4 team build-em' up-beat em' up, which the teams have 2 minutes to build their champion knight to compete in various fields of battle: Joust or 1 vs 1 in order for your department to fight through the hierarchy of your company to talk to the big head honcho them self.

The Game consists of various elements of teamwork
- Each team selects their champion of representation from the 4 people within the group as well as a set amount of stationary for the team to construct the knights armor, joust and stead.

Winner obtains their losers resources and office facilities as well as the ability to interchange office colleagues as they progress further up the corporate ladder.

The team discusses and make critical decisions such as:
a) Judging by our groups members weight and size, who would make the best knight?
b) Where would the fire hydrant go to propel the knight's office chair?
c) Should the chair be inclined or decline for a better angle for our knight?
d) Would our joust have enough durability to fight through not only the joust, but the 1 vs 1.