Submissions by Minh.Ngu7004 tagged kidsnextdoor

[ Idea 07 - 25/07/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004

Artist: artcobain
Image source:

Backyard Blitz is a wacky comical stylized real time strategy/ online action multiplayer video game which can be playable from the original top down "build an army with said resources" perspective or a over the shoulder third person multiplayer online battle arena style.

Players can play as the various characters:
Crazy dad - Tank
Mum - healer and support
Lil Bro/Sis - fast scout role
Big Bro/Sis - Assassination and saboteur
Grandpa - Unpredictable.

Object of the game is cause as much destruction to the opponent's base within a said time limit, so much so causes them to get evicted and kicked out. You and your team have to build turrets and other various fortifications prior competing against other "neighbors" in various games modes: 5 vs 5 classic, 10 vs 10 capture the flag, Survival, 20 vs 20 "tourists".

In order to upgrade and fortify defenses, teams must raid other neighbors and test their own strategy and teamwork to siege their defenses. If successful they can obtain materials to build said defenses or face the penalty for attacking the other team. A unique aspect is that the team doesn't have to be online to be raided or to raid other teams, but can enter the arena at any time of the seige to assist in defending or attacking alongside their team.