Submissions by Minh.Ngu7004 tagged imsohungry-nomnom

[ Idea 29 - 16/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004


Raw! is a 1-4 multiplayer virtual reality video game as you and your friends play as chefs in your travelling food truck, you and your team are given the task of making various orders and gathering the necessary ingredients to satisfy customers orders.

Make as many successful orders under the given restraints and time limit. The score uses a point/ coin system that will be use to purchase up-gradable cooking equipment as well as improve the food truck itself.

Players will have 5 minutes to co-operate and work together as a unit to prepare raw ingredients, cook and serve to the specified order the customers requests. Various combination of orders will be given and as you travel around, the players will asked to make various cultural dishes in the location the players have traveled.

Whose food truck are we taking?
Each player has the ability to customize their own food truck in a RPG like fashion and will be personified yet still be in a manner that is "whose work space is better to handle said level"

Prepare the menu: The menu will consist of 2 items, an item in which the players have decided on making as well as a mystery food item to be served.
- What works well with the players you have.

Designated roles:
- Whose grabbing raw ingredients, who is prepping, who is working on dishes and who is cooking?

Content within the game will explore various foods from around the globe from the comfort of your own home:
Expansions would look at specific routes in which you travel to: RoadTrip through the states, Make the best Pie in NewZealand, East Asian experience.