Submissions by Minh.Ngu7004 tagged forgondor

[ Idea 24 - 11/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004

Source: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug(2013); Directed by PeterJackson.
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Barrel Raiders is a single or two person co-op side-scroll video game in which the player plays as the King engineer who constructs elaborate contraptions which sends soldiers known as "Barrel Raiders" out on to the field of battle. Objective of the game is co-ordinate series of waves and fleets of barrel raiders to destroy the Goblins forts that have roosted in your nation.

King Engineers can construct structures for further research and development to upgrade different types of soldiers out on to the field of battle for example:
Gandalf Drops: Fund the Aviary class to send majestic eagles to pick up and orbital drop your barrel soldiers up from above causing disastrous effects to the opponents infrastructure.

Ramps & Gun Powder : Building ramps will be the most simplistic tool in your engineering belt but simple at times can be the most effective. Propel your barrels high above and filled with gunpowder to crowd control the invading forces of goblins.

Docks: with funding and resources into development it would be possible to transport your barrel raiders down acrross the river side avoiding the Goblins defenses on land.

Upgrade your barrel units: strengthen your army with a combination of Siege planters, Shield riders to sneaky sneaky water barrel dwarf archers.