Submissions by Harley tagged synth

This is an MSP430 assembly reimplementation of my day #1. One of the things that I really like about the MSP430 instruction set is that there are 52 instructions & 7 addressing modes. Because of this, I think the assembly tends to be very easy to follow. I did, however, get a bit lazy when writing this. The 6 local labels likely make this code a bit odd to read (especially without looking at the equivalent C code.) It's about 10 bytes larger than the C code compiled with -O

speaker.S702 bytes

While simple, this was my first try at getting physical sound output with a microcontroller (MSP430 Launchpad) and an 8Ω speaker. This does a basic sweep-like sound (going from high to low.) This was a quick recreation of what I did last night since I only had 3 hours to submit for today and am still at work. However, the basic concept is still instilled in this code.

main.c498 bytes