Submissions by logan.sarkar tagged collection

Genre: Idle, Collection, 2D
Platform: iOS, Android Devices
Audience: 3+ People who like idle games where you check on it whenever and also enjoy collecting and customizing.

In this game you collect different fruit creatures while tending to them. You as the player start off with a small ranch with one common creature of your choosing. These feed off sunlight and water and must be tended to and put in the right environment to survive. To collect these creatures, the player can lure them by setting down different types of fertilizer.

Each fruit will be part of a category which defines their personality, their needs and their wants. These categories are: spicy, sour, sweet and savory. Each category will have common, uncommon, rare and legendary fruit creatures. To gain the more uncommon fruits, the player will have to craft higher standard fertilizers. These are done by trial and error with the droppings acquired from creatures that have already been captured. Certain fruit will be attracted to sweet fertilizer while others might be attracted to a combination of different fertilizers.

As the player progresses, they can upgrade their ranch to house more creatures, also giving them the ability to cosmetically change the environment. The player can also customize the creatures with accessories and different skin patterns.

Was inspired by the pumpkin dog from Steven Universe: