Submissions by Lia-Sae tagged logistics

Prepared a bunch of things I have lying around: 4 boards for acrylic, 3 for watercolour, a box I wasn't happy with, a long canvas that was ready for acrylic but I want to use for watercolour, and finally the frame for the Squirt since I want to paint it. Now to let it cure. The watercolour ground needs to cure for 3 days, and then be sanded to give the best surface.

Ended up using the light table to trace on a loose sheet. Added masking fluid for snowflakes and eyes. We'll see if I can paint this without the paper warping too much

Tried using tracing paper to transfer onto the paper, but no luck. The marks are way too light and uneven due to the paper type. Have to figure something else!

Today I:
- removed the piece from the stretcher
- trimmed it (a bit too much it turns out)
- scanned it (took three tries. It was bent and hence blurry, then there was too much dust on the glass)
- scaled it in GIMP
- used the clone tool to get back to the proper aspect ratio
- switched to the PC and Photoshop to switch to CYMK because Gimp doesn't support it.......
- and sent the whole thing to the Bomber's Notebook zine!

Attached is the final CYMK file. We'll see if I make it in, that would be really nice :)

Transfer on the light table, and hammer-the-stretcher-rods-in-at-ungodly-hours: done! Tomorrow is paint, weeee :D

Note on the light table: make your own, it's much cheaper. I got that one from my dad who made it years ago but hasn't used it in ages