Submissions by Lia-Sae tagged 3d

- Profile swiping to create a vase
- Merging edges. No built-in merge for loops :(
- Double-sided material
- Import an object from another scene
- I have no idea what I'm doing with the rendering options. I know the words well but they don't behave in a way I understand...

Finished, rendered as turntable, and bundled in a GIF for your animated viewing pleasure. Ugly banding caused by GIF format limitations.

More Modo. I like it a lot, but I'm a modeling noob so I can't quite figure our how to extrude the last of the tip. Teapot because I'm still a graphics coder at heart after all!

Long time no see, Streak. I blame the apartment move. But now I have a nice dedicated room for arting and crafting! Here's my first Modo render, from the tutorial ( Getting the grain out took some bruteforcing, and it's still not gone. And the tutorial was written for 601 even though the pictures are up-to-date. So the render view doesn't have the third viewport mentionned in the text anymore.