Submissions by Joseph Rossall tagged the-shame-is-real

A stealth based game where you play as the classic teenager locked in his/her bedroom and you've hoarded a collection of dishes. The goal of the game is to collect all the dishes from your room, stack them, then get them to the sink before anyone sees you. The player will have 15 seconds to scan the room and find all the dirty dishes. The you will have 5 minutes to sneak downstairs and dump them in the sink. The game works by the parents tracking the clinking sounds of the dishes. The faster you move, the more sound you make. The first few levels will have one parent patrolling the house looking for you. The challenge will be in navigating the house quietly while avoiding obstacles like younger siblings' toys and clothes left lying around that could make you stumble and make more noise. As the levels progress, another parent will pop up as well as pets who will bark/meow at your approach. This will alert people to your position. In the later levels a snitching sibling will aggressively hunt you to find any opportunity to shame you or get you in trouble.

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