Submissions by jorge andres tejada tagged rol

Audience: for people who like to create pizzas and other things in their own way interractively, as if it were their own restaurant.

Genre: simulator, strategy, ROL, social interaction

Platforms: PC,playstation,Switch,Xbox and other consoles

Description of the game: this game is based on that you are the employee of the pizzeria and you will arrive late as always, when the boss (who in this case is Jorge but his friends say giorgio) of the restaurant leaves the order to the employee (the name of yours) in charge of the place.His goal is to create pizzas depending on the client that wants to eat, but you will also have to create not only pizzas, but pastas and everything that is eaten in a pizzeria, every 15 days you will have the fortnight, and you can improve the character, as well as the cooking machines and the restaurant itself, the main objective is to make the place pleasant for people. You will have missions as in the restaurant as outside the place, since you can also ask motorized to take people who want them in their homes. Every day is improving or worsening depending on how you handle remember that the boss is on a business trip to expand the business to other countries. Remember that you will have to make the place like the food and the rest is to your liking, because some will give their opinion about your restaurant and manage it in the possible way. In the accessibility part people who are colorblind change their color when they want, although that is asked at the beginning and for the controls they can change it when they want, for the deaf they will have the option of having a clock to say when the order of the client is ready to serve. also not only you can sell pizza, as the restaurant is winning you can add more in the menu, such as ice cream, hamburger, and other things that you can add, you can also improve the kitchen and even challenges that you can win things for your restaurant to be the best one with success unlike the others.
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Género: simulación, estrategia en tiempo real, acción, rol
Plataforma: Windows 10, Mac, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Xbox 360
Audiencia: Gente que le gusta lavar sus autos de manera interactiva
Descripción del juego: El juego empieza con una persona que se llama Jorge, y el necesita tu ayuda en un trabajo para poder vivir sin problemas, tú le diste el consejo de que gaste los ahorros tuyos y los de Jorge para ser un lugar para lavar autos. No es muy grande pero lo suficiente como atender los clientes. Tu objetivo principal es alegrar a los clientes de manera eficiente y nítida. Además, a medida que vas ganando dinero vas aumentado tu lugar, para agregar lo que quieras en tu local y decorarlo para llamar la atención de tu clientela, pero recuerda que tu objetivo principal es limpiar autos, eres jefe de tu lava autos, y puedes contratar o despedirlos si quieres y consigues dinero de la manera posible. Emperezas desde el día uno, y por cada quince días que pasan te vas ahorrando para gastar ya sea tu casa, comida, el trabajo, ect. Lo que importa realmente es ahorrar al final de cada quince día, cada semana que pasa compraras productos, herramientas como, por ejemplo, pistolas de agua e inclusive tecnología para ganar de manera instantánea sin preocupaciones, aquí tu decides como quieres que sea tu lugar de lava autos. Sin embargo, tendrás dentro de diez minutos dependiendo de lo que desea el cliente, y puedes hacer que tomes cosas que no son tuyas, pero bajara la atención del lugar, recuerda que tus acciones, pueden tener cosas buenas o malas dependiendo de como sea que quiere se tu trabajo, la historia la decides tú con la ayuda de Jorge para ver hasta donde puedes llegar con tu socio de apoyo.