Submissions by jarlin.bar6879 tagged with-a-cherry-on-top

The ultimate way to say please now has it's own game. 'With a cherry on top' is a stacking game specifically made for mobile devices. It will use the in-device accelerometer which will detect the balancing of the device itself. Your objective in the game is to stack as many cherries on top of each other as you can. Cherries can be placed on top of each other and are not affected by real-world physics. In-game, the cherries will seem to be more "sticky" but if you miss the falling cherry as you go to place it on the top of the stack (of cherries), then you lose. 'With a cherry on top' will use a point system measured by centimeters and how far off the ice-cream the stack of cherries are. You want to get as many stacked cherries as you can on top of each other in order for the customer to have the best ice-cream ever!