Submissions by jackwilson tagged stalker

A puzzle game played in an internet browser, where the player must guess the location of a fictional person based on information found on the internet.

During the game, the player is presented with a set of minimal information about a fictional person such as a picture, name or email. The player is then given a period of time to use the actual internet to find out the location of that player. Similar to Geoguessr, the score given to the player increases the closer the guess was.

The information planted into the internet about these fictional players include for instance Facebook pages, fake emails or accounts for other online services. Fake online services are 'hackable' in fake ways, which could reveal information about the person's ip address or password.

As the player progresses through levels they are given different personas, with different degrees of information available online. Any hacking becomes more difficult, and the player may have to utilise more services before finding a location.

Image source Popcrunch, retrieved 28/07/2016 from