Submissions by Ivan.Gonzalez tagged puzzle

Genre: Casual / 3D / Puzzle

Platform: Android / IOS

Target Audience: Casual players that want to burn time, high score game lovers, country in which hitting pinatas for party is a tradition.

Game Description:

In this game you are in charge on taking down Party Pinatas and collect all the candies.

Every pinata has a weak point, that you will need to find to destroy it, so you will be given 5 attempts to hit the pinata.

If you are lucky enough, maybe you can find the right spot in the first attempt and do a Perfect Hit, but if not, you will hear and see a feedback; if you are near to the weak point, the sound will be louder and the screen will shake, but if you are far from the spot, you will get a low to none feedback.

While you are advancing levels, you will be seeing more complex pinatas, and there will be more challenge in finding the right spot.

If you fail to take down the pinata, you will have to repeat the level, but the weak point will change, so you will never see twice the same level.

You play by dragging the screen to rotate the pinata, and then just tap on the screen to hit it.

Collect lots of candies to unlock gold pinatas, perks like double hit or time extender, music and sounds.

Once a day, you can see a short ad-video, to play an extra level in which you can hit the most you can a pinata for 10 second to collect extra candies.

Or you can repeat levels to achieve a better score and collect all the possible candies.

"Music is relaxing and low paced so you can focus and hear feedback sounds better"
