Submissions by Israel.Cattan tagged arcades

Genre: Fighting

Platform: Arcade

Target audience: older than 16 years old, players who likes fighting games with a frenetic gameplay and play competitive.

Game description: This game will have a total of 20 characters, each character with there unique attacks and command list. There will be 20 stages, each stage represents a character.

Game modes:

-Practice modes: here you can train your combos and see the frame data of your character moves.

-Arcade mode: You need to fight 8 battles. If you are good enough, you have chance to fight a boss.

-Online battle: battle with other players, win and get battle point. Get battle points to rank up and battle with stronger players.

Game mechanics:

-Rounds: there will be two round per match. The player who wins two rounds, wins the match.

-Health bar: When a character attacks you, you lose health from your health bar, if you health bar reach zero you lose that round.

-Rebel moves: all the characters have command attacks, if you use a portion of you power bar, you can change the properties of the command attack and deal more damage or extend the combo. This moves cost 25% of your power bar.

-Rebel cancel: is a mechanic where you can cancel whichever move to extend your combo or get “safe” from an attack. This cancel cost 50% of your power bar.

-Power bar: With this bar you can a lot a mechanics, rebel cancel, super, rebel attacks, ultimate attacks. This bar fill when you hit the opponent, you get hit by the opponent or use command attacks. The maximum capacity of this bar is 100%, you can extend it to 150% if you activate Revengeance mode.

-Revengeance mode: When your health bar is low, you can activate Revengeance mode. In this mode your character improve his movement, your power bar fills to maximum and extend to 150%.

The graphics of the characters, stages, etc. Will be in the 3D but the gameplay will be in 2D.

Music genre: electro swing