Submissions by ianmoh tagged unicorns

Unicorn Sniper is a first person shooter, which exists in a world of rainbows, unicorns and leprechauns. You play as a leprechaun, armed with a sniper rifle, who hunts the horn of unicorns - a precious resource that fetches a high price of one gold coin.

The purpose of the game is to grow your pot of gold, by collecting the horns of unicorns. Sniping their horns off before they reach you, without killing the unicorn itself, successfully grows your pot of gold by one coin.

From your pot of gold coins (you start with 10 coins), you wait as rainbows appear, leading to your pot of gold is (Irish folklore tells a pot of gold waiting at the end of every rainbow). Rainbows are paths travelled by unicorns, so the appearance of them gives you a heads-up on where unicorns will be appearing. Movement is restricted to pivoting around 360 degrees from where your pot of gold is.

A player typically identifies an approaching unicorn, and waits for an opportune time to shoot - unicorns may stop and graze. Upon sniping its horn, the unicorn turns into a normal horse and runs away.

Unicorns are an endangered species in this world, and you lose a gold coin should you accidentally hit and kill the unicorn (assume this as the cost associated with killing animals). Shooting and missing with a horned creature nearby will scare and have it charging towards you, where by reaching you causes you to lose a gold coin (assume this is the cost associated with unicorn-related injuries). This event therefore leaves you with the choice of either trying to snipe it's horn at a much difficult handicap, sniping & killing it to incur a penalty, or allowing it to reach you.

Every level gives you a quota of horn to collect before the time runs out. You advance to the next level by reaching your quota within the time limit. As the level increases, unicorns of different types show up in greater numbers. This allows higher quotas to be achieved more easily, but aiming at unicorns closer together, increases the risk of unicorn charges. The game ends when you either fail to meet your quota, or all your gold coins have been taken from you.

Platform: Gaming Consoles - Xbox One; Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 4.
Target Audience: 16-24 years old, or fans of unicorns/killing them.

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