Submissions by ianmoh tagged cat-massage-mds

From the two philosophies of celebrity voyeurism and cat massaging, comes a mobile game thats combines both.

Cat Massager is a game played on a touch screen mobile device, where players massage felines to resemble positions of objects, celebrities and famous landmarks.

Points are awarded for how well subjects are imitated, and the time taken to complete.

As each level increases, players are given different breeds of cats, shorter time, and harder poses to imitate.

Cat Massager caters to audiences of all ages, but especially:

- People who love cats and/or massaging them.

- People who love celebrities.

- People who don't love celebrities, and want to cover them up(with cats).

Can be made for any mobile device with a touchscreen interface, and could run on both iOS and Android.


It is not my intention to endorse animal cruelty.

If anything, I believe Cat Massager endorses animal non-cruelty.

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