Submissions by homg tagged homg

Yesterday, I saw the fish fest game jam and decided to join. But unfortunately, I just wasted my time trying to come up with a game mechanic. Today, I have finally settled to create a puzzle mini game for my entry. Over the past few years, I have dabbled in various game jams, but I have never completed any project. I can't say I even started one actually. Instead, I have a collection of game concepts that I never pursued. Feeling discouraged, I was on the brink of giving up again. However, after seeing the devlog entries of other participants, I felt motivated to write one for myself. I quickly settled on the easiest mechanic from the list of ideas I had came up with and dedicated a few hours today to work on that idea. The goal was so I could have my own devlog entry here as well as soon as I can. This is the concept I settled for:

Fish Flipper (Working title)

In this game, the goal is to lead a school of fish in a pond by tapping on them to change their direction. However, each type of fish responds differently to their environment, making it more challenging to flip them in the desired direction. The score is based on the number of flips used, with a lower number resulting in a higher score. If all the fish are not flipped correctly within a certain number of turns, the game is over.

Anyway here are my current progress:
☑ Core Mechanics
☑ Playable Prototype
☑ 3 out of 16 fishes

To Do List
☐ the rest of fishes (i got 13 more fish concepts i wish to include)
☐ more game modes (i wish to include Easy and Hard mode too)
☐ fix the UI, more art (some background and maybe simple animations)
☐ More Screens (main menu, tutorial, options, etc)
☐ music and sfx (I'm no composer, so I'm just gonna get some open source)
☐ add story (I have a story in mind, but I'm not yet sure how to implement it)

I spent more than six hours working on this one today. I hope I get to stay motivated for the next few days that I see this one thru. But for now, I badly needed some sleep.