Submissions by hayden.jon6905 tagged chill


A chill-out first person adventure/building game for when you just want to, well, chill.

A post-apocalyptic city environment, although not caused by the usual apocalypses. This apocalypse is the disappearance of humanity as you know it, except for you; you have the world to yourself.

Since humanity up and left, everything requiring the human workforce has stopped working, but that doesn't mean it won't work forever… using your noggin to access, repair and even build new machinery to get functions back such as lights, water filtration systems, and petrol pumps to allow the use of vehicles. You may also choose to just wander the city, breaking into buildings just to see what the view looks like from the roof. You will be able to pick-up and move most objects in the game, allowing for decoration of buildings/ bases. This game will also have a unique companion feature, where it is possible to tame any wild creature that will then follow you on your journey…. Key word "possibly".

The only death scenario will be falling to your death, being caught in an explosion or drowning, but will respawn with no negative consequences.

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