Submissions by Gibson.Hickey tagged rng

In Endless Quest, you play as a hero who is on; an Endless Quest.

The game is an 'Endless runner' type game where you just keep running to the right of the screen, all the while avoiding obstacles, attacking enemies and gathering gold thrown about the level, all of which is randomly generated. Every now and then a 'Shop' will pop up which the player can then enter only by jumping into it. Inside the store you can save your current progress and take a break, or purchase better equipment and the like to make the run easier.

Your primary objective is to keep running as far as you can all while upgrading your character and stockpiling money, eventually you will gain enough gold to purchase the option to face the final boss who is in fact the owner of the store you frequent.

-Game play Genre, Endless Runner, Side-Scroller, RPG

-Target Audience, General

-Reference image from the game, Bit Trip Runner