Submissions by David tagged camera

"Blur" is a 1st person "shooter" game that has the player capturing the supernatural world through the lens of a camera. Unfortunately, though, ghosts are very evasive and tend to move around swiftly and in a jittering manner. This is bad news for the player because camera's in this age have a very hard time capturing fast moving, let alone transparent things. The player starts off as an amateur photographer who owns a very bad camera and has access to these very strange places. During the start of the game, the player will have to learn about the behaviour of some ghosts in order to set them up for the perfect capture. Of course, your camera quality is only so good, meaning that in the beginning of the game the player will capture some very questionable pictures. However, the world is a big place and there are bound to be a few people in the world who believe you, so using that, the player will start to receive funds for better equipment and get access to new locations. There is a loss condition to this game. Since the player will be dealing with super natural beings, they may encounter some hostile ones and will have to get out of the location without being killed.
