Submissions by danielpringle tagged runner

Run, is a Mobile based fitness game, designed to help you jog consistently, by simulating numerous things chasing you. In order to play, you will need to have some way to strap your phone to your arm, or a safe place where it wont shake around. You also need a pair of high quality earbuds. Simply set the game timer for how long you want to run, and go. Once the game begins, start jogging. A few seconds in, the game starts using binaural sound to simulate a creature or creatures chasing you. This can range from dogs, wolves, bears, and lions, to even otherworldly entities, such as zombies, mummies, barbarians, ghouls, or demons. The phone tracks your movement by both GPS tracking, and its internal gyroscopes. Slow down, and the 'creatures' will get closer. Speed up, and they will get further away. Not every creature is unlocked from the start, but constant and continuous running will unlock each one. As time goes on, the game will require you to set your jog time/distance slightly higher, to make sure you are consistently improving. No matter what you do, this game will drive you to RUN.

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