Submissions by cbat tagged indie

Soooo was all set to upload and then went ah ffs I gotta do another take it's too half arsed, and I'm super glad I did. The percussion, and synths are recorded in my usual dawless fashion, but then added two guitar layers over the top. They were seperate long improv takes, but then I just decided to layer them up, panned left and right. There's some super basic prodution on there, using Audacity. And actually had heaps of fun so yay for software.

It was the percussion and synth layers I went back and recorded again (not individually, just another take) , because it was sounding super shitty and tin canny, and the original was just kind of a boring take really. So after doing a bit of a wilder take, and adding the guitars back in, the composition (by luck) landed way better. I think i might do some more software stuff, just with Audacity .. and subtle stuff .. I really don't want to go crazy listening to things a million times making tiny adjustments etc ... like I used to with Ableton back in the day. I just want to listen through and go oh yeah that track up a bit roughly. If i get more time next week i might track out a few more of the instruments, maybe. ;D

Everyone's tunes sounding sick btw, y'all killin' it this year!